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learning of Dharavi?
/ George Jahnsen
What a neighborhood! It is in the heart of a global metropolis , and has direct contact with an inner-city branch of the river, with extensive lateral green spaces.
makes a classic hierarchy of settlement systems, the entire neighborhood excellent access and links it to the transport network of the metropolis: an annular main road runs around the area, some medium-sized secondary roads traverse the district and the rest of the development is via car-free streets, which diverge at many points to smaller space sequences. Within the development of the area is almost exclusively for that risk by all residents to be committing streets.
The main uses of living and working close to each other - often in the same street or in the same building. Further ways of their own home account to work.
The buildings are mostly two stories. The ground floor area is usually the varied commercial and manufacturing uses reserved and therefore equipped with a larger ceiling height. The small-scale subdivision of the area provides a high mix of uses and Eigentümsverhältnisse. The density of the area has a floor space index of about 2.0 to 2.5 is relatively high. The buildings constructed appears to the human needs around, and, therefore, concentrating on developing human scale and pleasing proportions.
The district provides users with all important for the operation and supply the necessary facilities of a district. Production and material cycles have been established over years and generations within the district. An important source of value creation is the recycling of useful materials from (global) waste.
The criteria of a modern and high quality urban design are realized here. Dharavi as an interpretation of the model of the compact city? Unfortunately, only in theory, destroy because in reality the district two more technical aspects of the perfect image:
are the buildings of the quarter from a patchwork of elements and materials that represent the findings and largely be described as waste are . The elements and architecture of the buildings - that is, the morphology of the elements that make up the forest is so bad that it destroys the above-mentioned qualities. There is also the full Lack of systematic water-wastewater and energy infrastructure. This results in a number of risks to health and safety of residents.
These two aspects of the quarter catapulted back into the Middle Ages. And yet his most impressive young people through their creativity and powerful confidence, which makes them much possible. Dharavi, in the heart of Mumbai - a quarter between globalization and the Middle Ages. Perhaps this describes the essence of one of the largest slums in Asia most accurately.
Image: Orthophoto overlaid with the access structure (eigene Karte).
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