Our weekend is coming and we look forward us to total as many pledges - 29 to be exact, and ten more where it is still not quite sure!
Who exactly can you yes on http://alle20jahre.blogspot.com/ . See
have unfortunately paid only 13! In order not to risk that Sibille stay and I depend on the cost, because one or the other suits while but then perhaps not yet come, we would very kindly ask you again to transfer the money before.
The account information can be found on our web - for questions, of course, you can watch anytime, Sibille, or contact me.
We asked Bernhard if he could take pictures (.. and hope that he is) and would be happy if one or the other is a music could bring ...
I take, in any case my views very well equipped with I-Pod!
After the OSO yes the weekend is fall break we can, as already mentioned once, on Saturday no room in the ESE but get e s is us of course free to take a walk around the grounds.
For the Saturday evening there is thus far no concrete plans and we are open to suggestions.
, How it eg with a Kochkäs evening in a pub Odenwald and then back to the Lindenhof?? (We would then advance to reserve spaces between tables at so many people) ...
So far so good - the anticipation is great and we would be still if anyone can help the missing contacts to research!
very soon
PS: My e-mail distribution list is updated, I do not think as good as Sibille - sorry if one or others old address still shows up or something comes twice ;-)
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