Meanwhile, there are actually no longer surprised when we are wide awake at 7:30 clock. So we could also start the day early today. Unfortunately the weather was rainy and cloudy so we decided to Jasper for breakfast at a bakery.
on Malignant Lake Road, it was first to Medicine Lake. A fascinating thing about this lake is
that he really has no outlet, but in the fall, the water seeps into the caves, only to miles again to come to the surface. Now the end of September, the lake was drained and exposed to very many places the Erboden. We followed on the road to Maligne Lake to finally come. Here we had already booked tickets in Germany for a boat tour to Spirit Iceland. On almost every travel guide Kanda their characteristic small island is shown. Unfortunately, it was still raining when we clock at 12 noon competed our tour. The boat guide us tried to speak but the weather is nice We also had the privilege to drive with the smallest of boats. Our group consisted of only 6 people and that is we took the boat "Curly", which you usually can only charter for CAD 1500th During the trip began on the lake, then even snow - the first snow for this winter. Once on the peninsula, it was cold, but wonderfully quiet, the green trees and in front of the turquoise water. In the main season here are 3 vessels of 56 people and we have been there six of + Captain and Guide. Meanwhile it had stopped snowing and the cloud cover breaks up a little. After about 90 minutes we arrived back on shore. This boat trip was not really free as the most beautiful Canada's excellent. Even if we only see the cloudy version, the trip was worth it cannot fi.
Next stop was at the Maligne Canyon. In this limestone gorge, the water has dug deep and shaped figures. After this short hike, we began the drive south to Lake Louise. The road is known as the Icefields Parkway (# 93) and is praised as the most beautiful mountain road in Canada. We made a trip to the 23m high Athabasca Falls. The next stop were again waterfalls: the
Sunwapta Falls. The panorama dominated rapids and waterfalls. Along the ridge of the mountains, (Was the highest in the 2400m), past turquoise mountain lakes, over several mountain passes, we arrived at the Athabasca Glacier, part of the great Columbia Icefield, which sent its water into three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. defrosted on the way to the Athabasca Glacier remember years because boards like the glaciers in the last decades. Frightening when you look at where he was in 1982. On the glacier itself, it was very cold especially by the wind and the altitude hurt the ears.
Shortly after we crossed the border to Banff National Park. Against 18.50 clock we came
after 337km in Lake Louise. We had booked a hotel because our prices attributes but seemed a little too high. With the price range from the Internet, we went to Lake Louise Inn and behold, got a room which CAD was 20 under the Internet price. The end of the day was a dinner in the hotel restaurant.
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