Author: Mag Eric Kaltman, Senior Consultant TEMA
The rapidly growing Demands on Demand - Supply - Chain, the frequency of the availability of new technologies, or the strict need for cost reduction in both the primary and secondary power supply are the most common causes - due to the ever increasing dynamics of the market - for the fact ; that successful companies are subject to constant change process.
Although Key - Know how to successfully implement the changes in the company is lacking, professional project management is often criminal.
Why projects fail or do not bring the expected results?
Because they are poorly managed!
this may sound superficially arrogant. Go through your mind is under the following typical characteristics of poor current projects and consider whether these should be avoided through better project management. You will come to the conclusion: "Yes!"
Typical project deficits
- Insufficient detailed planning
- Gaps in monitoring progress
- Missing decrease - Milestones
- Lack Kundeninvolvierung
- Lack of communication
- Unclear specification
- Lack of documentation
- Open management decisions
- Regular deadlines
- Unreliable like external service
- Overloaded project staff
- The project will be delayed completion
- The planned project costs exceed
- The not project an unexpected outcome
The columns to project success
Professional Project management is based on four key factors:
- use of appropriate project management methodology
- selection of project management and team members
- providing the necessary know-how - both internally and externally (in the case of optimization and implementation projects, mostly business process know-how) and use of best practices
- creation project supporting framework
Ad 1: Project Management - A method
professional project management - method provides a clearly structured, standardized course of the project ensure clear responsibilities defined in the Project organization and control the projects on the basis of appropriate reports. The latter include the necessity of the presence of measurable criteria for project success.
Figure 1 illustrated by the example of "PRINCE2" ( "Projects in Controlled Environments" has as a project management method, at least positioned in the front row "and - although coming from information technology - generally used ) that each project takes place in defined stages, which in turn clearly defined outputs in terms of the agreed control objects have (have):
If the output of the "start up" - phase of a project, a formal project proposal involves, this including a "high level business case, while the actual project proposal as a result of the project initiation (" Initiate a project ") already has a detailed business case must include etc. Each phase has clearly defined outputs to control the objects each with a clearly defined level of detail and the accompanying responsibilities. This not only formal compliance with the necessary Kommittments including that of top management is ensured, but also throughout the project necessary for project success status for all Control objects.
The most important control objects:
- the project progress
- costs
- resources
- the business case
- the quality / specification
- risk
- communication
- the change requests
course, the complexity depends on the control model on the size of the project and the resulting project organization. The structuring of the teams and work packages of content is up as far as the experience of the project manager, but to structure the phases, documents and level of responsibility and the PM - processes - especially escalation and change management - essential if the professional methodology.
Ad 2: Selection of project management and team
Only a "Dream Team" provides fantastic results! Keep in mind the requirements of a project manager and the entire team. to put "Randomly available" resources in the project, condemned the project from the outset to failure.
checklist of requirements for the project:
- knowledge / application of a professional PM method (see above)
- expert in task structuring and commercial project controlling
- social skills in leadership and coaching of staff
- "Standing" of the project manager in company, a member of corporate boards
- commitment and decision-orientation
- expertise on project-related technology (n)
- knowledge of relevant business processes and their integration
- Ideally, expert status in one of the subjects of the projects
- core team is not too big!
- Meaningful "balanced" representation of all areas as required. Supply Chain, FI / Controlling, Technology
- Complementary expertise in the team (business processes, technology, Interdisciplinary Information)
- balanced social structure between leader and player and Seniors / Juniors etc ...
- team structure (sub-teams) depending on the complexity of the project
Ad 3: Providing the necessary know-how and use of best practices
In most business improvement projects as well as for the ERP - the availability of sufficient commercial implementations process - know-how essential. The use of reference models and use of existing (ERP - compliant) best practices is a crucial advantage.
Figure 2 shows an overview of graphics from the TEMA - business process - reference model, the main raw materials procurement process. The information contained in sub-processes are defined and based on individual tasks in detail and designed according to best practices. Also differs, for example, the procurement process of raw materials, auxiliary materials and supplies and services etc. Special forms of procurement such as Vendor Managed Inventory, Consignment or contract manufacturing etc., each a separate process is dedicated. Precisely the subject of procurement is also a good example of the importance of integration with FI / CO in material inventory (vs. direct materials) and evaluation
Ad 4: Create project supportive environment
The "project-supporting conditions" are those points from which one could say "Everyone knows it, nobody does it!". Therefore, whether they are repeated on the safety at this location:
- involvement of top management in the project
- project progress as part of management - exempt agenda
- project success as a target agreement of the relevant Head
- For large projects, key individuals to 100% for the project
- necessary training provide for project team members before the start of
- Performance-based incentives for project members
- regular positive communication about the project in the company
- If needed, use of external resources, maintaining the internal leadership lower
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