by the information that Prof. Malik has a new series of talks about the serious changes in the economy and the associated demands on management, I have researched on the Internet, which exist statements on this subject by him in the web and am (slightly belatedly) came across an interview: # 0
I must admit, the interview has left me perplexed back.
First is unreflective and uncritical efforts of the mainstream of states that debt-financed growth and fundamentally bad is the problem - a statement that the economy in the Theory at least highly controversial, if not refuted applies. It is interesting that the advocates of this position aimed their criticism at government-financed growth, while simultaneously complaining that the banks the company did not provide sufficient loans to enable them to finance their growth!
my perplexity, however, refers primarily on the statements to the new challenges:
"What determines this new complexity?
It results from the global network of social systems that change dynamically. What appears now on the surface like an economic crisis is in the Depth of a fundamental restructuring of the economy and society ... ... ...
The current crisis can be seen as the birth pangs of a new world. Conventional steering processes, organizational structures and management systems are overwhelmed by this complexity. . Some work hardly, today as in politics, "
would be exciting to know:
- What is the fundamental restructuring?
- arises What new world?
- What is the complexity?
you can give a few tendencies (because they are already evident) and derive requirements:
- The global distribution of service production (goods and services) is changing rapidly (see China as the largest car producer).
- Some key concepts and technologies are now in the foreseeable future, no longer tenable (see oil as an energy supplier and as a raw material).
- Handed down sales and marketing concepts apply in the Internet world, not more (see, for example: Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs (The New Rules of Social Media) (Hardcover) by Brian Halligan (Author) , Dharmesh Shah (Author), David Meerman Scott (Foreword)).
- experienced the entire Common profit sector, the financial pressure, a dramatic transformation from idea-led resource management for demand-oriented performance management (see article in INOVATOR No. 16 "by Franz Auinger, hermannn Fuchs, Klaus Theuretzbacher).
first strategy is more important than ever, but in the center, the questions are.
- As seen from the future needs in specific areas Visibility of retail and / or in terms of business customers? What
- purchase decisive factors can be derived from it?
- Who trains and the needs and factors of purchasing decisions, a homogeneous market segment?
- see How is the exact matching services?
- What should we as an organization for it?
- What assumptions or conditions in my strategy considerations have the highest uncertainty?
- In which direction and how far volatility?
- What organizational and technical Solutions provide adaptability to possible changes?
- What is the Kosten-/Nutzen-Relation this flexibility? (See the topic of real options analysis in this blog).
- Right now there are many who suggest that recent years have shown that planning makes no sense that there is sufficient self-control ability of the organization to increase.
- Just when uncertainty increases, it is important that the whole team is confident and has a consensus will look like the environment and challenges as it seeks to address the challenge and of course (see above) the action options are available when conditions change.
- what requirements must be met by processes in the future?
- How can I keep them effectively, efficiently and flexibly?
- How will process necessary adjustments on profitability?
6th Alignment of the IT structure to the business strategy (inclusive of all processes) is more important than ever.
- set to continue investment in existing applications, or whether in fact a technological Restructuring rate. Which "Payback can be achieved?
- Which one is the most prominent competitive advantages?
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